ABOUT ===== django-cyradm is a web interface to manage postfix controlling accounts, aliases and virtual (hosted) domains. Optionally it manages a belonging imap server for creating/deleting mailboxes and setting storage quotas. The project is meant to be suitable for small mail hosts using sql lookup tables with postfix. DEMO ==== a online demo is available at https://djcyradm.schmitz.computer/djcyradm/login The credentials are username: cyrus password: cyrus The demo syncs with an imap server but postfix is not configured in the demo environment. FEATURES ========= * Any django database backend is supported, but the backend must also be supported by postfix. In the documentation postfix with mysql or postgresql are used. * As an imap server cyrus-imap is the only one tested, but the project does not contain cyrus specific code. * imap syncing can easily be turned on and off. * Support for mailforwarding, and external aliases * External recovery email setting to restore account passwords. * A virtual domain can be marked as an alias domain, in which no accounts can be created, but a configurable limited number of external or internal aliases can be created. * The administration of one or more hosted (virtual) domains can be delegated to a user, belonging to the domain admins group * The admins can set limit for each domains resources, e.g number of accounts aliases and external aliases. * The domain admins can set limits on each account in their admin domains (limited by limits set by the admins on the domains) * The account users can configure their alisases passwords and mailforwarding. * Easy initilizing of the cyrus admin * Deactivating and activating accounts and aliases. * Presenting users to captcha on to many failed attempts (provided by django-axes and django-simple-captcha GETTING STARTED =============== This start guide just shows how to set up the application, it does not show the integration with saslauthd and pam and postfix lookup tables. See :ref:`Mail server environment for django-cyradm` documentation if you need info about that. Note that the djcyradm django-app is quite intrusive as it requires its own AUTH_MODEL, and its own PASSWORD_HASHER, and is not using contrib.admin, so it is recommended to use a dedicated django project. This quick start assumes Debian GNU/Linux version 10 codenamed Buster, but the principles can be applied to other systems Installation of required software --------------------------------- django-simple-catcha used by django-cyradm requires libfreetype and libjpeg62-turbo-dev .. code-block:: console sudo apt-get install libfreetype6-dev libjpeg62-turbo-dev zlib1g-dev python3-pip sudo pip3 install pytz Installation of django-cyradm ----------------------------- * Make a virtual environment with python3.7 .. code-block:: console python3.7 -m venv django-cyradm-venv * Activate it .. code-block:: console . django-cyradm-venv/bin/activate * Update pip and setuptools in the new environment .. code-block:: console pip install --upgrade pip setuptools * Install django-cyradm-0.1.2.tar.gz from https://github.com/jsm222/django-cyradm/releases/download/0.1.2/django-cyradm-0.1.2.tar.gz .. code-block:: console pip install https://github.com/jsm222/django-cyradm/releases/download/0.1.2/django-cyradm-0.1.2.tar.gz Initialize a django project --------------------------- .. code-block:: console django-admin startproject cyradm cd cyradm .. note:: You can use the example-project at https://github.com/jsm222/django-cyradm as a starting point or you can follow the instructions below Configuring the new project for use with django-cyradm ------------------------------------------------------ * with your editor of choice change cyradm/settings.py In order to use translations of language names add .. code-block:: python from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ after .. code-block:: python import os add the following to INSTALLED_APPS: .. code-block:: python INSTALLED_APPS=[ ... 'captcha', 'axes', 'django_tables2', 'bootstrap3', 'session_security', 'rules.apps.AutodiscoverRulesConfig', 'django_filters', 'djcyradm' ] Remove django.contrib.admin from INSTALLED_APPS, it is not used or tested by django-cyradm enable session_security middleware by adding .. code-block:: python MIDDLEWARE = [ ... 'session_security.middleware.SessionSecurityMiddleware', ... ] Make sure that it is placed *after* authentication middlewares. For the purpose of quick starting disable (temporarily) the syncing with the imap server add: .. code-block:: python DJCYRADM_SYNCIMAP = False Set the special model djcyradm.Mailusers to be the AUTH_USER_MODEL .. code-block:: python AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'djcyradm.MailUsers' Specify the login url and the entry page for logged in users here done by view names from djcyradm.urls .. code-block:: python LOGIN_URL="login" LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL="mail-users" add the list of supported languages .. code-block:: python LANGUAGES = [ ('da', _('Danish')), ('en', _('English')), ] to use translations add .. code-block:: python 'django.middleware.locale.LocaleMiddleware', after .. code-block:: python 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', and before .. code-block:: python 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', for example .. code-block:: python MIDDLEWARE = [ ... 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.middleware.locale.LocaleMiddleware', 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', ... ] add and configure the following if you intend to sync with imap Subfolders are the default created folders for each mailbox, DOMAIN is an arbitrary of your domains, but I suggest the FQDN of your mailhost. The ADMINUSER is marked as main_cyrus_admin and does not belong to a domain. If syncing with cyrus-imap the ADMINUSER must be listed under admins in imapd.conf Avoid to add a @ in the Cyrus ADMINUSER as it limits administration to the domain after the @ .. code-block:: python DJCYRADM_IMAP = { "SUBFOLDERS" : ['Sent','Spam','Trash','Drafts'], "CYRUS":{ "HOST":"localhost", "PORT": 143, "STARTTLS":True, "ADMINUSER":"cyrus", "ADMINPASS":"cyrus", "DOMAIN":"example.com", } } .. code-block:: console sudo apt-get install python3-dev libmariadbclient-dev pip3 install mysqlclient configure the database here as example using mysql .. code-block:: python DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql', 'NAME': 'mail', 'USER': 'mail', 'PASSWORD': 'secret', } } .. code-block:: console mysql -u root -p In the mysql create the database correspondingly .. code-block:: sql > CREATE DATABASE mail; > CREATE USER 'mail'@'localhost' identified by 'secret'; > GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on mail.* to 'mail'@'localhost'; In order to share passwords between djcyradm.Mailusers and the pam backend set the following custom hasher in PASSWORD_HASHERS, make sure it is the only one listed. .. code-block:: python PASSWORD_HASHERS = ['djcyradm.hashers.CryptPasswordHasher'] Configure session_security the values are suggestions and are in seconds see session_security docs for more info add .. code-block:: python SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE = True SESSION_SECURITY_WARN_AFTER=300 SESSION_SECURITY_EXPIRE_AFTER=330 Configure the axes lockout url to use a simple captcha to unlock locked accounts add .. code-block:: python AXES_LOCKOUT_URL='/djcyradm/locked' enable the authorization backend rules, which controls access rights: Note that the order of AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS is significant, also add .. code-block:: python 'axes.backends.AxesBackend' as the first entry. .. code-block:: python AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( 'axes.backends.AxesBackend', 'rules.permissions.ObjectPermissionBackend', 'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend', ) add .. code-block:: python 'axes.middleware.AxesMiddleware' to .. code-block:: python MIDDLEWARE = [ ... ] edit cyradm/urls.py and change it to the folllowing .. code-block:: python from django.urls import path,include .. code-block:: python urlpatterns = [ path('djcyradm/', include('djcyradm.urls')), path('session_security/', include('session_security.urls')) ] Initialize the database .. code-block:: console python manage.py migrate *if you get a warning about strict mode, follow the link outputted in the warning and follow instructions* Initalize the group and permission database data .. code-block:: console python manage.py loaddata djcyradm_initialdata Initalize the main cyrus admin from the settings in DJCYRADM_IMAP invoke .. code-block:: console python manage.py djcyradm_initialize Run the server: (do not use in prodcution) *note the djcyradm comes with an incomplete test suite currently only suitable to use for users knowing selenium and geckodriver* .. code-block:: console python manage.py runserver visit and log in using the cyrus settings in cyradm/settings.conf e.g ADMINUSER ADMINPASS